About Tina

unnamedI got my bachelor’s degree in Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture from Cornell (where I met Ed) in 1985, and began my career as a greenhouse grower for several wholesale greenhouses.  I built my own greenhouses on the family farm in 1992, and have been growing the annuals, perennials, and herbs for the nursery ever since.

My husband and I took over Bemis Farms Nursery for my father-in-law, Richard, who in 1947, carved it out of woods on the farm of his dad, Roger Bemis.  Roger purchased the land in 1918 to start a dairy farm and apple orchard, and we are proud, aBemis Farms Nursery entrance aframes a family, to be reaching Century Farm status.

I hope to help you make more money. But more importantly, I want to share my love of gardening with the world.  There are far too many people who just want to decorate with plants.  While there is nothing wrong with that, we all know how much more rewarding it is (for both us and them!) when they understand that gardening is never a chore, it is a highly-rewarding pastime. Let’s create a few more gardeners together.
